Simplifying Sitecore Admin profile properties Management: A Step-by-Step Guide

Simplifying Sitecore Admin profile properties Management: A Step-by-Step Guide


Maintaining the security of Sitecore environments is paramount for protecting sensitive data and ensuring system stability. While managing profile properties is integral to this endeavor, it's essential to approach any database modifications, such as updating aspnet_Profile, with extreme caution. In this guide, we'll outline how to responsibly manage profile properties, emphasizing the importance of exercising care, especially in production environments.

To reset admin password we have to run below query , this will make default password b.

UPDATE aspnet_Membership

SET Password='qOvF8m8F2IcWMvfOBjJYHmfLABc=',


IsLockedOut = 0,

FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0

WHERE UserId IN (SELECT UserId FROM aspnet_Users WHERE UserName = 'sitecore\Admin')

Step 1: Retrieve User Information

Firstly, let's retrieve the user information from the `aspnet_Users` table. You can do this by executing the following SQL query:


select * from aspnet_Users

This query will provide you with the necessary details about the user, including the `UserId` which is essential for the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Update Admin Profile Properties

Next, we'll update the admin-related profile properties in the aspnet_Profile table. Execute the following SQL query to adjust these properties securely, put the userid which we have get before.

update aspnet_Profile set PropertyNames = N'IsAdministrator:S:0:4:Portrait:S:4:27:FullName:S:31:13:ProfileItemId:S:44:38:SerializedData:B:0:3875:' where UserId = 'EC08A903-A9FB-4705-93ED-2CB740B7192B'

This query ensures that essential profile properties are updated accurately for the admin account.

Step 3: Update Profile Information

Additionally, we'll update the profile information associated with the admin account. Execute the following SQL query to accomplish this:

update aspnet_Profile set PropertyValuesString = N'TruePeople/16x16/Astrologer.pngAdministrator{AE4C4969-5B7E-4B4E-9042-B2D8701CE214}' where UserId = 'EC08A903-A9FB-4705-93ED-2CB740B7192B'

This query updates the profile information, ensuring that it reflects the changes made to the admin account.


By following these steps, Sitecore developers can effectively manage profile properties, including admin-related attributes, enhancing overall system security. Remember to exercise caution when executing SQL queries and regularly review and update security measures to mitigate potential risks. Elevate your Sitecore security practices today with these actionable steps.

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